Champion of making shit happen.

Nadine Karp McHugh
Nadine is a senior marketing and media veteran who has held executive positions on both the client service and marketer sides of businesses. Nadine has managed multi-billion dollar P&Ls and billion dollar budgets at WPP agencies, led the Unilever US business, and served as Chief Client Officer at MindShare New York. She also held budget responsibility of $120MM to $1B+ in media investment while a Senior Executive at Colgate, L’Oréal and Goldman Sachs.
Nadine's passion for transformative change drives her career in technology and organizational innovation. She combines innovative strategies and processes to foster collaboration and deliver impactful, measurable outcomes. Holding a Master’s in organizational creativity, her thesis titled “How to Build a Creative DNA for Any Business” embodies her commitment to innovation. At L’Oréal, she launched the “Think Differently” workshops, helping teams create unique solutions that boost performance and competitive advantage.
A true champion of DEI, Nadine left the traditional side of marketing to become the President of SeeHer, a non-profit designed to drive accurate portrayals of all women and girls within marketing and media. She has also been recognized for her contributions to the marketing and media industry, receiving many awards such as Advertising Age’s Woman to Watch, Brand Innovators Top 100 women marketers, and a Cannes Lions and several Effie awards.
When not changing the world of marketing, Nadine can be found supporting local bands on the West End of Long Beach, New York or enjoying the delightful “pwock” of a good game of pickleball.