Extra action at Distraction

Friday, June 17, 2011

By Adam Kleinberg

Last night, Traction celebrated our 10th birthday. Hands down, the craziest party we've thrown.

How could it not be with all the Tractionistas past and present, together with the Extra Action Marching Band thrown in for good measure (they were so sexy it was ridiculous)?

In the words of one Tractionista, "This is how we roll."

But I have to say, for me, even more satisfying than the Extra Action we got...

Even more satisfying than the amazing aerialist hovering over the dancefloor...

Even more satisfying than the very tall Von Stilt Family in the crowd...

Even more satisfying than the gourmet grilled cheesiness...

Even more satisfying than the signature cocktail named after my 1980s hip-hop stage name (it was a very, very small stage), AK Fresh—the AK reFresh-er, of course...

Even more satisfying than all that was having so many people who are and have been part of this amazing team—people have been here 7 weeks and people who have been here 7 years—tell me that working at Traction is the best job they ever had.

I believe Tack's exact phrasing was "Traction is so awesome because it makes people the absolute friggin total max of who they are."

That's how we roll.

Major thanks and kudos to Kellie, Kasey and Melanie for putting it all together. Amazing job!

Keep an eye on this space. I'm sure there will be some photos up soon.

About the author
Adam Kleinberg

Adam Kleinberg is CEO and and a founding partner of Traction. He has written over 75 articles in publications like AdAge, Adweek, Fast Company, Forbes, Mashable and Digiday.

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