Unhappy Grouchmas

By Adam Kleinberg
You're sick of the holidays, aren't you? Awkward holiday parties. Long lines. Commercialism? That's ok. We understand. That's why there's Grouchmas, the holiday for those who've forgotten the meaning of merry.
Well, it's time to get the grim out of your system. It's our gift to you. The twelve days of Grouchmas. So get your scowl on one more time. Point that little mouse of yours toward The Grouchmas Playlist.

With the advent of Mad Men, I get a lot of friends, family and clients asking me if my work life is anything like the wild, alcohol and nicotine fueled creative rage that they witness on cable.

It's a known fact. Traction loves beer. We own a kegerator with two selections on tap. We regularly celebrate beer o' clock. And the team itself has many connoisseurs as well as a brewer who won this year's Sierra Nevada Beer Camp competition. That is why a request to design Traction branded pint glasses not only made sense, but was long overdue.

The Web Marketing Association is proud to present this 2010 Internet Advertising Competition award for outstanding achievement in internet advertising.