How Kraft could use a Brand API
By Adam Kleinberg
If you've been following the last few posts, you're probably aware that I spoke at an event about brands and APIs last week.
It was called "The Evolution of Distribution" and I spoke about the article I wrote for Mashable called " Why every brand needs an open API for developers ." My presentation outlined how even a brand like Kraft might find unexpected value from releasing their own APIs.
I just added a few notes to my slides and posted them on the Traction SlideShare channel. I've also listed some other relevant links below if you're interested in the topic of brand APIs.
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Here are some other resources on brand APIs that I and others have written:
Why Every Brand Needs an Open API for Developers - Original article I wrote for Mashable.
Digging Deeper on Brand APIs - A follow-up piece I wrote on my blog answering some questions people had about how a brand API might work.
How APIs Are Changing the Way Brands Connect With Consumers - Just found this piece written by Garrick Schmidt on AdAge.
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