3 Strategies for Creative AI Adoption

The Futureproof Project
Friday, October 4, 2024

By Adam Kleinberg

If you’re still on the fence about integrating AI into your creative and marketing processes, I hate to break it to you, but you’re already behind. The question isn’t if AI is going to transform every part of your business—it’s how fast you’re going to let it.

Blueprint for the AI-powered Marketing & Sales Adoption Journey

The brands that are winning today aren’t waiting for AI to land in their laps. They’re figuring out how to use it to their advantage, right now. So, let’s talk about three strategies you can adopt today to scale your brand management, streamline your creative workflows, and automate your repetitive processes with “agentic” AI. Because if you’re not doing it, your competitors will be.

1) Manage Your Brand at Scale with AI Tools

Brand consistency is crucial, especially when your team is spread across different geographies, time zones, and departments. But managing that consistency can be like herding cats. That’s where AI tools like Canva Enterprise come in. They help you set brand guidelines, permissions, and access controls so your team isn’t going rogue with off-brand creative.

Imagine setting up predefined templates that every team across the globe can use—on brand, on message, every time—even while using generative AI. No more revising every little thing for compliance. You can let AI do the heavy lifting, while your team focuses on what matters: creativity and strategy.

Canva Enterprise marketing kits aren’t just for creative. They come with templates you can customize for every part of the planning process and can even integrate with Salesforce to bring real-time revenue data into your reports.

Canva Templates & Creative Kits

2) Define Creative Workflows for Specific Use Cases

AI doesn’t fix everything with a magic wand. One of the biggest mistakes I see brands make is thinking AI is a one-size-fits-all solution. The truth? AI only works as well as the workflows you put in place. The first step to scaling AI in your marketing efforts is defining specific creative workflows.

WTF are creative workflows, you ask? Well, you need to break down the tasks your team does repeatedly—whether it’s generating social posts, managing creative approvals, or optimizing ad copy—and map them out clearly.

  • If you are a fashion brand, you might have granular workflows to do tasks like creating photorealistic on-model images from 2D or 3D flat images. Or if you have on-model photos, you might want to generate color swaps, background swaps or model swaps. Each of these requires a distinct set of steps—often using a combination of tools—to execute.
AI Generated Product Image
AI Generated Product Image
AI Generated Product Image
  • Depending on which use of the above use cases you’re focused on, the best tool for the job may be common image AI generation tools like MidJourney or Photoshop, or specialized tools like Botika or LaLaLand. Often, it will be more than one.
  • If you are a B2B technology company, you might have a workflow for researching strategic accounts, comparing their business challenges with your company value propositions, writing personalized ABM (Account-Based Marketing) content, and populating a design template.

If you don’t identify where AI can make a difference, it won’t. AI thrives on structure, so give it a framework to work within. Once your workflows are clearly defined, AI can take over and automate the heck out of it. But first, you need to nail the process.

3) Develop Autonomous AI Agents to Automate Workflows

Once you’ve nailed down your workflows, it’s time to start automating them with Autonomous AI Agents. We’re not talking about some distant future scenario where AI takes over the world. This is happening now. At Traction, we can build AI Agent Proof of Concepts (POCs) for your brand and have them up and running in a matter of weeks.

These AI agents can take over repetitive, time-sucking tasks—like analyzing customer data, automating email marketing, or even managing social media posting—while learning and getting better at their jobs over time. They can execute workflows across multiple software platforms too. The best part? They free up your human team to focus on the creative, high-impact work that only they can do. It’s like giving your team a superpower.

Imagine being able to upload a brief into Slack and have an on-brand campaign created, pushed live to digital channels and optimized in real time.

You can do that. Today. We can help.

The Value of AI Agents

If you want to scale your marketing and creative processes—and futureproof your brand—these are the three strategies to start with. Use tools like Canva Enterprise to manage your brand across global teams, define your creative workflows, and then automate them with “Agentic” AI. It’s not just about efficiency. It’s about staying competitive in an industry that’s changing faster than you can blink.

If you’re ready to get ahead of the curve, . We can help you develop an AI strategy that works for your business—and have it up and running before your competitors even know what hit them.

About the author
Adam Kleinberg

Adam Kleinberg is CEO and and a founding partner of Traction. He has written over 75 articles in publications like AdAge, Adweek, Fast Company, Forbes, Mashable and Digiday.

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